Friday, January 15, 2010

30 Day Challenge, Day 1

Following three "oms" and an invocation chant, I swan dive into my first forward bend. My feet move back behind me, and my body travels closer to the earth. I shine my chest towards the faint rays of sun that peek through the clouds and into the windows. My hips move up and away from the earth, and point towards the sky. I am convinced that there is no better way to begin a Friday morning than a full ashtanga primary series class.

I love yoga. I love stretching, I love breathing deeply, and I love the feeling of finding stillness within a vigorous, sweaty practice. 

Do I love it enough to practice 30 times, in 30 days? Truthfully, I don't know if I love anything enough to be able to do it that often. As much as there are these parts of the practice that I love, things like utkatasana (chair pose), utthita hasta padangusthasana (standing forward fold) and being upside down are far more likely to fall into my 'it's not quite love' category.

When I began primary series this morning at 9:30, I did so with a certain sentiment of personal necessity. Last night (day 0, if you will), I did an ashtanga second series practice--my third in eight days. I was craving the forward bending postures of primary series. 

So I did it. 

After my second sun salutation B, as I watched a constant stream of sweat beads attack my mat, I slipped into panic mode. How the hell am I going to do this 30 times before February 13th? Here I am, dripping like a popsicle in global warming, feeling my breath trying to escape my attempts at deep "Ujayi" inhalations and exhalations, and I haven't even made it through the freaking sun salutations!

I acknowledged my panic, and was too agitated to do anything about it until I reached padanghustasana, the first standing pose. This forward bend is a favourite of mine, and as soon as I moved into it I felt my breath fall into place. The sweating slowed a bit, and I felt my facial muscles loosen. After five breaths, my hands slid under my feet for padahastasana and, well, you know the rest. 

Within 30 minutes of beginning day 1, I  survived my first 30-day challenge panic attack. This is going to be one interesting month. 

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